
Pesquisa de Arquivos

Murphy, Isabel IAnd I, in My Turn, Will Pass It On: Knowledge Transmission Among the Kayapó2004SIL International Publications in Language Use and EducationAnthropology, Literacy and Education
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielExplicação da Ortografia Terena2007Literacy and Education
Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.Bilingual education among the Karipúna and Galibi-Marwono: Prospects and possibilities for language preservation2010Literacy and Education
Crofts, MarjorieMust tone always be written in a tonal language?1976The Bible TranslatorLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CContribuição de Sarah C. Gudschinsky, co-relatora da sessão de linguística da 5a Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia1963Revista de AntropologiaLiteracy and Education
Bridgeman, Loraine I. and Mickey StoutLevantamento lingüístico de Leopoldina1958Educação e Ciências SociaisLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe nature of the writing system: Pedagogical implications1972Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe teaching of writing1977Literacy and Education
Bridgeman, Loraine IA alfabetização de um povo ágrafo1983Boletim da Associação Brasileira de LingüísticaLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMotivation and pre-reading for adult literacy1970International Bulletin of Missionary ResearchLiteracy and Education
Bendor-Samuel, DavidOn the study of literacy1984Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CApproaches to literacy in indigenous languages: Examples from Mexico1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy1977Literacy and Education
Alford, Margaret RDeveloping facilitative reading programmes in Third World countries: a culturally relevant programme for teaching reading in the mother tongue: the Karajá Indians of Brazil1987Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CBeginning the teaching1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CIntroduction to literacy: Pre-reading1977Literacy and Education
Alford, Margaret RuthAlguns métodos e estudos práticos de educação bilíngüe intercultural1998Literacy and Education
Johnson, MerietaLiteracy movements in Central and South America and the Caribbean1994Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication ScienceLiteracy and Education
Murphy, Isabel I“And I, in my turn, will pass it on”: Indigenous education among the Kayapó Amerindians of central Brazil1992Anthropology, Literacy and Education
Alford, Margaret RutEnsino bilíngüe-bicultural: Filosofia e métodos1998Literacy and Education
Hall, JoanOs sistemas fonológicos e gráficos xavante e português: Análise contrastiva1979Ensaios LingüísticosLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Murphy, Isabel IEducação indígena kayapó: Orientação para professores não-Kayapó1998Literacy and Education
Bendor-Samuel, MargaretWill they go on reading the vernacular?1987READLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CSome frequent and recurring fallacies concerning bilingual education1975READLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPsycholinguistic testing (Part 1)1968READLiteracy and Education
Bendor-Samuel, DavidNew name ... new character? (editorial)1988Notes on Scripture in UseLiteracy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy: The growing influence of linguistics1976Trends in LinguisticsLiteracy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CA test for orthographic ambiguity1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Popovich, A. Harold and Frances B. PopovichMaxakalí literacy, economic development, and health program1984Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CNotes on neutralization and orthography1972Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Kindell, Gloria EBilingual education - an evaluation1978Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Popjes, JackWall-chart primers1989Notes on Literacy (online collection)Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy policy and its practical outworking1974Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMemorizing: Good or bad?1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPrimer stories by indigenous authors1974Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Jefferson, KathleenHelping the literacy team get underway1981Notes on LiteracyAcademic Training, Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMatrix for letter recognition: Syllable or couplet1969Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Popovich, A. HaroldMore about wall-chart primers1989Notes on Literacy (online collection)Literacy and Education
Newman, Barbara AThe mini-workshop as another step towards a Kaingáng written literature1978Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CRadio and tape recordings in a literacy program1975Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Kindell, Gloria EDiscourse strategies in Kaingáng literacy materials1982Literacy and Education
Popjes, JackOrtografia Canela-Krahô1982Literacy and Education
Bridgeman, Loraine I.A Alfabetização de um Povo Ágrafo1983Literacy and Education
Folhas para ajudar na alfabetização dos Kaiwá1960Literacy and Education
Taylor, AudreyGramática Pedagógica na Língua Kaiwá1963Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Sheffler, E. MargaretLiteracy and social problems1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Couto, AlexandreOrtografia Kaxarari - uma proposta2005Literacy and Education
Bendor-Samuel, DavidA FIRST SCRIPTURE PUBLICATION1969Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education, Scripture Engagement, Translation
Popovich, A. Harold; Popovich, Frances B.Projeto Maxakalí de Alfabetização, Desenvolvimento Econômico e Saúde1984Literacy and Education
Sebastião, LaucídioLaucidio's Personal Crusade to make White Water Village Bilingual2002Literacy and Education