
Pesquisa de Arquivos

Kakumasu, James Y. and Kiyoko Kakumasu, compilersDicionário por tópicos urubu-kaapor--português1988Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.; Koehn, Sally S.Atamorepaketõ nymerohpyry1988
Koehn, Edward H.; Koehn, Sally S.Symerotone1988
Landin, David JAs orações karitiâna1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Sheldon, Steven NOs sufixos verbais múra-piraha1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Chapman, ShirleyInterrogativos paumarí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Jensen, Allen ArthurIndigenous systems of bird classification: comparative, ecological and evolutionary aspects [abstract]1988Anthropology
Fortune, GretchenIndigenous literatures: Oral and written literature and the influence of language borrowing in relation to male and female speech differences1988Latin American Indian LiteraturesAnthropology, Linguistics
Fortune, David LThe category of person and associated semantico-grammar of the Karaja pronominal system1988AmerindiaLinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, DavidThe ongoing use of vernacular literature1988Notes on Scripture in UseSociolinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, DavidNew name ... new character? (editorial)1988Notes on Scripture in UseLiteracy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Everett, Daniel L.Anaphoric indices and inalienable possession in Brazilian Portuguese1988Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Dooley, Robert A.Pragmatics and grammar: Motivation and control1988Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionTranslation
Harrison, Carl H.; Harrison, Carole W.Zazemu'e Purumuhagaw Rehe1988
Gomes G., FlorianoMaʼe mumeʼu haw tenetehar wanemimumeʼu kwer1988
Sandberg, Clive DConstituintes oracionais em cintalarga1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Dobson, Rose MAspectos da Língua Kayabí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Bontkes, CarolynA prosódia silábica suruí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Caapor, Peri JuseHepatite ahyha1988
Dooley, Robert A.Arquivo de Textos Indígenas – Guaraní (dialeto mbyá) [2]1988Linguistics
Ham, PatriciaMẽkot Belém kãm mẽmoj pumunh1988
Gomes G., VicenteIpira wamumeʼu haw1988
Caapor, Peri JuseAtividades de um indígena na cidade1988
Jaaco, LuizPahte me amji cahhê xà1988
Weiss, Helga E.Fonética Articulatória: Guia e Exercícios1988Curso de Metodologia LingüísticaAcademic Training, Linguistics
Jensen, Allen ASistemas indígenas de classificação de aves: Aspectos comparativos, ecológicos e evolutivos1988Anthropology, Linguistics
Graham, Albert; Graham, SueMiwan kuap hap1988
Popovich, Frances BSocial power and ritual power in Maxakali society1988Anthropology
Crowell, Thomas HStanford Conference on Vernacular Literacy, Palo Alto, July 24-25, 19871988Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Koop, GordonOs afixos pessoais em dení1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Richards, JoanA estrutura verbal waurá1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Bontkes, WillemAs orações suruí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Kamêr A., Paulo LaranjaKuwênh jarẽnh ã kagà1988
Aytai, Desidério; Fortune, David L.Denominações de Cores na Língua Karajá1988Anthropology, Linguistics
Richards, JoanStaging and the grammar of Waurá narrative paragraphs1988Linguistics
Fortune, David L.; Fortune, GretchenKòtu berakuhỹkỹmy rỹimyhỹremy ijyky / Otu berohokỹmy rỹimyhỹremy ijyy1988
Carlson, CarmosinaAIDS: Ǥobogidi Aneo Ǥogecaǥalo1988
Caapor, Faustino R.; Caapor, Peri JusePira rehe ihẽ aho; Awijã uʼariha rehe har1988
Caapor, Peri JuseKomeʼẽ ywy keruhũ1988
Kakumasu, James Y.; Kakumasu, KiyokoMaʼewyra rehe har1988
Mugureu, Edmundo Iwodo; Tuaguebou, BeneditoCartilha de transição do português para borôro1988
Jaaco, LuizMe pajõ pjê kam pryjapa1988
Harrison, Carl H.; Harrison, Carole W.; Boot, Joseph; Boot, LillianYwyzaʼu Imumeʼu Haw Xe Aʼe Nehe Kury1988
Graham, Albert; Graham, SueDados da Língua Akewere (Suruí do Pará)1988Language Assessment, Linguistics
Aihĩni tsimitsutu Aꞌuwẽ mreme uiꞌéré té watsuꞌu1988
Koehn, Edward H.; Koehn, Sally S.Kuatamorepatohkomo1988
Kakumasu, James Y.; Kakumasu, KiyokoJeʼẽha mujekwaha1988
Campbell, RobertAvaliação dentro das citações na língua jamamadí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Mẽujarẽnh à Kagà Pijakrut1988
Dooley, Robert A.Arquivo de Textos Indígenas – Guaraní (dialeto mbyá) [1]1988Linguistics