
Pesquisa de Arquivos

Popovich, A. HaroldLarge grammatical units and the space-time setting in Maxakalí1967Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold and Frances B. Popovich, compilersDicionário Maxakalí-Português-Glosário Português-Maxakalí2004Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldDiscourse phonology of Maxakalí: a multilevel, multiunit approach1985Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold and Frances B. Popovich, compilersMaxakalí-English dictionary; English-Maxakalí glossary2005Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold; Popovich, Frances B.Maxakalí Museu Wordlist1960Language Assessment, Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold; Popovich, Frances B.Maxakalí Phonemes1962Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldVarious Maxakalí Texts1965Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldParticipant, plot, prop, location, and time throughout travel, participant interaction, and problem oriented Maxakalí discourses1960Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold; Popovich, Frances B.Maxakalí Phonemes1960Linguistics
Antunes, Maria Aparecida DomingosPequeno Dicionário Indígena: Maxakalí - Português, Português - Maxakalí1999Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldMaxakalí Narrative Paragraph Structure1965Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldMaxakalí Language in Brazil1971Linguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldGramática Pedagógica Maxakalí1998Linguistics
Popovich, A. Harold and Frances B. Popovich, compilersDicionário Maxakalí-Português; Glossário Português-Maxakalí2005Linguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah C., A. Harold Popovich, and Frances B. PopovichNative reaction and phonetic similarity in Maxakalí phonology1970LanguageLinguistics
Popovich, A. HaroldThe nominal reference system of Maxakalí1986Linguistics