
Pesquisa de Arquivos

Koop, GordonDení Person Affixes2008Linguistics
Koop, Gordon; Koop, LoisDicionário Deni-Português2008Linguistics
Koop, Gordon and Sherwood G. LingenfelterThe Dení of western Brazil: a study of sociopolitical organization and community development1980Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Koop, GordonParticipant Introduction and Tracing in Deni Narrative Discourse1979Anthropology, Language and Culture Learning
Koop, Gordon and Sherwood G. LingenfelterOs Deni do Brasil ocidental: Um estudo de organização socio-política e desenvolvimento comunitário1983Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Koop, GordonOs afixos pessoais em dení1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Koop, GordonProcesses and Roles in Dení Clause Structure2008Linguistics
Koop, GordonDení verb endings2008Linguistics